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The Shark Bite Show Episode 13: SWFL Sharks Players Derek Anderson and Francisco Gomez

Welcome to the Shark Bite show, where we dive into the stories of our members, coaches, friends, and family. Shark Bite Fitness and nutrition. All right, let’s go. Alright, guys, guys, and girls, thanks for joining us. Today we’re doing a special edition of the Shark Bite show. We’re going to do a couple of these where we talk about the Florida grid League and the Southwest Florida sharks. Today with me, I have two of our players. First, we have Derrick Anderson. He is a strength specialist on sharks. He’s been with ay since the beginning. Then we have Francisco Gomez, a strength specialist on the sharks. And he’s been with us since year two. So we’re going to dive into a bunch of cool stuff today. When we ask each other some questions, we’ll talk about some good memories and fun stuff about Greg and why we enjoy it so much. And then you know, does anyone have any cool ideas? We’ll do some more awesome things. Guy. So, Derek, I’m going to let you go first. Talk to me. How long have you been playing on the team? And what has your experience been with playing on South Florida sharks?

Gosh, I mean, aside from last season, this will probably be a total of five years of being affiliated with the Florida grid League. So it’s pretty cool to look back and see how far we’ve gone from the beginning of everything to Annapolis. Like, we just had this big tournament back in the fall. And now we’re moving into a new season out of this huge pandemic we just got out of, but honestly, I think without Grid, I think where I’m at right now, not only my fitness but friends and even my close family-wise, like it wouldn’t be the same. The FTL has been awesome in being a community and around these amazing athletes and towns or even locally in Sarasota. But it’s been a cool experience.

Yeah, I agree with that. Not just from a fitness standpoint, just like my mental health and fun. That outlasts this, you know? Oh, yeah. Francisco. What about you?

Yeah, something I’ve been doing for three years, maybe four? Am I not 100%? Sure. It’s easier too. But yeah, do the greatest like, I don’t know how to describe it. But it’s amazing. When I moved into South Florida, about the same time started grid. And then, one day, I saw a Facebook ad and joined the combine. And I had no friends. And so I was in Florida, no nothing. And now, pretty much the bonds that credit through the grid. So the sharks, and now I have friends all over Tampa, Jacksonville, and Miami, all of those stones come from the same kind of league. So I think the best thing for them to grasp is fun. It’s all that stuff. But the bonds that you create with other players and kind of like people that we somewhat think alike.

Yeah, that’s a good point, right? Because we were talking about our community here. But you’re right now. We have friends in Tampa and Miami and Orlando, Gainesville, and Texas, in Texas. Yeah. Now, like, all over the country. And I mean, probably next year, some out of the country, outside of our state, but probably next year outside of the country as well. That we would have never met if not for the grid, right. Like I would have met you guys. And I think a big part of, you know, keeping our sanity during quarantine and the lockdown because I was talking to each other about how much we wanted to be training and how much we want to be back to playing right. Yeah. So you guys are both strength specialists on the team. Right. And one of the cool things about Grid that many people don’t understand is their positions, right? You know, for example, like I’m not a strength specialist, I’m, I’m a gymnastic specialist, you guys are strength specialists. So talk to me about what you guys do on the team. How do you, how do you contribute to the sharks?

We cycle weight; we have to do it well and efficiently. Not so much as heavy as possible, but moving pretty heavy weights or moderate weights as quickly as we can as efficiently as possible. When our time is needed for a race, it can be very difficult, especially when it comes to catching our breath or moving right into a different movement right after doing a big set of 15 power cleans or something like that. But it’s been an experience, from learning how to cycle on day one to being almost five years in and seeing the dramatic difference in how we even just move the weight. It was pretty cool. Yeah,

I think I see myself, and I’m sure you do as well. Um, as a specialist within the strength specialist. I am the moderate weight guy, and I just move for many reps using my legs or what has a weird movement with some time. Have a kettlebell or dumbbells or something like that. So, you know, Derek can clean 300 pounds like he’s nothing; I cannot do that; you know, I am probably more efficient with kettlebells, one-handed kettlebells, all that stuff. So, yes, we’re both strength specialists, but we have different roles as specialists on the team.

Yeah, and I think over time, what was once heavyweight is no longer a heavyweight anymore. Like I’m seeing these guys now move around crazy weight that, you know, my holy cow like that was not even on our spectrum, back in the day with some of these working weights, and now it’s like, holy crap, I have to work a little bit harder to get stronger to even keep up with some of these guys.

In the first year, I remember some of the stuff there that was like in our ladders or Amir’s when I played in this tournament last. This last time I had to move those weights. And I remember thinking like, Man, this used to be our strength specialist numbers. And now those numbers are so much higher. Yeah, but it’s, it’s good. That’s a good point, too, right? Because we almost have specialists within specialists, right? Because if we have a one-handed kettlebell thing, we’re going to you no matter what. The league has that fantastic video where you’re doing a bunch of those one-handed overhead squats, and we’re looking to change, and you yell at me, and you move on. I was like, Oh my God, this dude’s crazy.

That’s me. Well, if I can use my legs, I’m good to go, and that’s usually what it is.

Yeah, I remember the Combine; you combined that with a tryout we did. We did like a mock sprint; I remember if you had to do, I think it was squat snatches at like a pretty heavyweight menu up against somebody else who didn’t end up making the team. And I remember Charlie and me, the other team on the team; we looked at each other. We’re like those dudes on the team. Because the way you read the game, the way he sped up and somehow got faster as it got heavier, more competitive, we’re like, That guy’s made for the grid. He’s going to do well here. Yeah, either that or the way you say sharks. One of those was ensuring.

both. Yeah, no, I mean, I’m competitive. Super competitive, but that’s pretty much what gets me through grit. Because if not, I mean, I don’t think I’m as strong as some of these guys. So I’m not even close. Next to them, you know, I’ll try to go, you know,

you know, like, So Derek. That’s a good one, too, right. Like so you would me you were one of the first three players we signed to the team, right? So ready to go. You may or may not realize this. Derek was signed before the league was official, before we were putting a team together. Derek Laila dollars were the first sharks ever signed, right? And at the time, Derek, I’m sure you remember, we didn’t know what we were doing. It was like if you’re a string specialist, you’re doing everything that a barbell kettlebell DME. If it included lifting weights, you were probably out there doing it. Probably you and trying to member who else than yours. You, Mitch Kyle Todd, remember? Oh, yeah. Wow. It was like if there were weights, you guys are going out there no matter what. And I’m trying to learn as a coach like, oh, wait, some of these guys are better at snatching, some are better at cleaning, and some are better at squatting. I remember you looking over me once, and I won’t say what the Movement was. You said, Hey, don’t put me out there for that again. For sure. So talk to me about what you guys like about playing grid? Why is it so much fun? Because like, this is an additional commitment on our part, right? This takes up more of our time and more of our energy. Why do you guys enjoy doing it? Because you do, I know I do.

The coolest thing is you get to specialize in stuff that you’re good at. We’re in something like CrossFit, you pretty much have to be a hybrid of everything and not be super, super great at one thing, but you have to be pretty good at everything. So when I first started, like I was the one thing I noticed, I was like I could lift pretty heavyweight and cycle the way for it again. But when it came to things like gymnastics and stuff, that was harder for a heavier guy or someone pretty new in CrossFit at the time. It was kind of disheartening to go to competition across the competition and not be able to perform as well as I’d like to. Whereas I can go to something like grid and specialize in something that I’m good at or I’m relatively good at and feel like I did a good there, I was able to contribute and help my team in a way that’s much much different than if I was on a team in CrossFit or something like that.

Absolutely. That’s something that I noticed, right, like, the first two years we played. Yeah, the first two years you played, I was not good enough to be on the team, right? I knew I was putting in a couple of things. But I remember being like, Okay, we, you know, we go to a CrossFit competition, I kind of get my ass kicked. Yeah, I could go into the grid, and I could be really useful, and like one way, you know, but then I’ve told many people this hanging out with you guys and like, you know me as someone who’s not all that strong being around the two of you and Kevin, and seeing the way that you guys cycle barbells, right. That caused me to step my game up drastically. You know, when I think about that, often, because I’m not the most athletic human being in the world, had I not met you guys, I wouldn’t have learned how to move a barbell the way I’m moving. Now,

you learned so much. And even if you think you know how to do one thing, you learn different techniques and ways people do it; you’re like, well, that works much better than I do it. And then you start moving the barbell that way, or whatever the specific movement is. So it’s cool to learn from other guys doing different things. For sure.

Yeah, for sure. And Vigo, you were talking about how you like being competitive? Right? Like, what, what about Greg gives you that?

I mean, okay, obviously, I do CrossFit, as well as many people compared to CrossFit. But I think grit is like the ultimate team sport, like, I love to do it as much as I love to watch it. Like when I’m done before my match, or after the match, as I stick around, I’ll grab a beer and just watch because I enjoy watching them go to a basketball game or a baseball game, or anything like that. So it’s a team sport. Yeah, and he’s fast. I mean, so fast seconds matter. And that’s like we know you say football inches matter here, seconds matter. And that’s what makes it so competitive. Like you’re trying to gain, we’re talking about half a second sometimes can make a difference between winning a race and losing a race. So yeah, you just go out for 30 seconds or so, whatever it could be; sometimes last is go all out, and then you switch. And that’s just a lot of peace. Moving it just for fun is fun. I mean, yeah, I like, Yeah, I’m having a good time. And that’s why he makes us so competitive. So fun. It’s just fun.

Yeah, for instance, I don’t remember after the combine, and especially at our first practice, I remember very specifically talking about you. And then the next year, John, about this, because you guys are such good athletes. And it was like, I can’t explain how fast this will be correct. Like, I know, you guys are moving fast, and you think you’re going fast as I will, you have to go so much faster. You know. And you remember telling me that after your first match, you’re like, oh, no,

I might. Like now, I tell her that everybody is a first-time player, and they don’t ever listen to anybody anyways. Listen, they don’t know; they listen to you. But they’re like, Okay, I’ll take it, I’ll be fine. Yeah, it was like, no, after you had your first race, you will realize it, yes, you’re going to be spinning, and I’m talking about the race, not a match. I’m talking about a race like you go for 30 seconds and take the 22nd rest, and then you go again, you’ll be done. Like your legs will fail, or whatever you’re doing, you will feel like you will gas out.

Yeah, if anyone doesn’t know what we’re talking about. So there’s a match, right? There are 11 races, right? And sometimes the match for the match is a little bit different. There’ll be a little bit less no 11, or more than 11, or a couple of combined or something like that. But it works in each race; certain players, guys and girls will play in that race. And then the winners of those races will accumulate points. And the overall point winner who wins the match, so we have, like, partner forward, which I think is probably all of our favorite races. So you start every match. It’s just like very small sets of difficult movements. That ascending difficulty but descending reps. And man, if that doesn’t show you the speed at which this thing will move. It’s like the first time you do it. You’re like, what the hell that I just watched, right? Yep, well, the first time you’re in it, you guys have both been in partnership forward, right?

It sets the tone for the whole match. Yeah, because once you’ve done it, you’re like, alright, here we go. We’re about to get started; this is, whereas if we had something much slower to start, the management wouldn’t like it would not be the same, so partner four is one of my favorites.

Yeah, I feel like that’s a good way to put it too right like it sets the tone because you know we have our meetings after or like our huddle is after each race it’s like if we started partner forward off well, I got my guard we’re going to do good you know me as a coach if we started partner for off poorly I’m like hey, we got to like right now you know, we cannot allow that that lackadaisical ness to continue over the next hour and a half two hours in this match right? What are some races you guys like other than partners, for I think we would all probably say that’s the one we like the most? What do we like most after that

a partner is fun because he’s always so close. Like, he’s never obviously like we’re talking about seconds every time. But after a partner for me, even though I’ve never done it, you know, my favorite race is Jack and Jill. I’d never

done that. Let’s not even talk about

My favorite is Jack and Jill. And I don’t know if you want to explain what Jack and dill are. But yeah, it’s

got some strong feelings about Jack. So Jack and Jack and Jill is also my favorite race. By far my favorites. I’m primarily on the team to do gymnastic movements, right. So this is when we get to shine if that’s what you’re into. Jack and Jill are simultaneously one guy and one girl on the grid. And then there are usually three different gymnastics movements that will similar to partner forward decrease in reps but greatly increase in difficulty, you know, so it’ll start with like a set of Saint toes, two rings, then a set of ring muscle-ups. And then finally, a set of backward roll supports is what’s in that race. And that’s where you do a backflip on the rings, you know? And pretty much know what I’m talking about if I made that sound easy; any of that it’s not because it’s big sets done very fast competing against the team next year. Do you know? And like, why do you like that one too much? Because I love that. Well, that’s my favorite.

No, I like it. Because the speed is a difficulty. I mean, some of this is new to gymnastics, like I guess I like it so much because I cannot do it. And it’s kind of impressive for me. You know, it is like how they can do that. You know, like that fast like crazy. And obviously, he’s only talking about males. I’m sorry about females; like yeah, totally right. No, they’re doing stuff that I cannot do. And they’re doing it even sometimes faster than the guys. So how both men and females are doing the sack, the same movement at the same pace or faster, and all that stuff at the same skill level. It’s kind of cool. I mean, that’s just you don’t see that anywhere else.

Yeah, that was something we realized the first year, right. Derek was like, we realized that the best teams in the league had great female players. Yeah, there was closer to a baseline with the male players in the league. You know, every team had pretty good male players. And you know, some not so good. But every team had a fair amount of really good male players. Only a couple of teams had very good female players. And it was, those were the best teams by far, you know, a big part of why Tampa was able just to smash the league The first year was their incredible female talent on that team, you know, and we’re just going to use that man, the girls moving the barbell is just as well as the guy is. And they were doing the gymnastic movements a whole lot better than the guy other than the guys. Yeah. Yeah. I think we see that even now, you know, like, I would put Rachel Viola on our team up against almost any guy in the league bar muscle-ups,

I can barbell cycle like some of the guys in the league, Taylor Stallings. Like, it’s crazy. Not

just some of them. I made very sure when I coached the all-star match a couple of years ago that I was not out there at the same time as Taylor. I was not letting the commissioner get a video of Taylor and me. Yeah, I think that’s cool to see. What are some of the differences you guys have noticed? Specifically, like I didn’t, we discussed the differences between competing in CrossFit and the grid before him. So not much, not so much training, but the competing portion, you know,

It’s faster-paced; I think a lot of CrossFit workouts, some of them are more drawn out or longer and have to think about your pace, and you have to think about how you’re going to break up the reps. And in the breaths you’ll take between each movement and things like that. Where the grid, it’s like, you don’t have time to think about that kind of thing. I mean, you, you go out there, you grab the barbell, you move. And most of the time, it’s like, you’re out there to stay there. You’re not; you’re not stopping; you don’t get a rest time. You have to go and sprint, get the work done, get off the grid, come back on the grid, and do something else. And so I mean, comparing it to any other CrossFit workout I’ve done. It’s like doing grace multiple times in our matches like you are, and then you’re dead and smoked after one race. And then you’re like, oh, after this next race, you have to do it again. Oh my gosh. So it’s a lot more fun for me because I get to do a lot more, go faster, and cycle, which I love to do. So whereas CrossFit, as I said before, there are so many different movements that you think about a little bit more.

Yeah, for me, I mean, I love both; obviously, I love competing in CrossFit. I love the grid as well. And I think they have some similarities but are not comparable. So what you know, on CrossFit, as Derek said, we’re pacing. So you know, even if you have 30, clean and jerks, you’re probably going to go singles and grid, there’s no shot, you’re going to do 10 or 15. And just get out, you know, as fast as you can. So I don’t know if they translate, but yeah, it’s just, for me again, I started with Crosby, and I’ve been doing crosses in 2012 and grid only for the past four years. So I am now starting to like grid way more than CrossFit and competing in grid more than CrossFit. They fit more, because I’m doing my strength, but also the team aspect, you know. And I know that sometimes I’m promising to do teams, all that stuff, but it’s not the same, there’s so much going on on grid, and I’m talking about, like, from a coaching standpoint, like, Nick, you have to decide how many you’re doing here. And you’re going to be doing half of the match, not the other half. Like, I like that stuff. You know, it’s like, I’m the one that always kind of, hey, you should do this. Oh, this dude. I’m thinking at night; maybe we should do all this stuff, or blah, blah. And then I’m like, let him coach instead of just me talking. But

That’s super helpful. I don’t think people realize how challenging it is to maintain 18 different people and their skill sets and how to best use all of them, you know?

Yeah. Because I mean, we can, especially our team. Like Derek, for the longest time, he was our biggest strength specialist, like he can move the most weight, you know, but he could also do muscle-ups. You also do a couple of other things because he did CrossFit where, you know, some other teams have guys that move the bar stronger than Derek, but they don’t have that versus Tality. On that. So I think, yeah, our team, and in general, other teams do like you have to play with that. Kind of like a multi-tool, correct? Yeah.

Yeah. And our, you know, our first year, especially right now, I remember we are first and probably going to our second year. As long as we don’t count on quitting, we were probably a team of all utility players, right? And it was like, Okay, we understood that we weren’t going to be super specialized; we had to use people to the best of their ability within that, you know. IAs a coach, I remember that that was pretty challenging because it was like, Alright, all these people can do these things. You know, it’s like, who can do it one second faster, you know? And then we also, I think, would, I don’t know if it was so much natural or so much is like directed, but natural, are we all kind of moved towards like, a little more specialization if that was cool. And I think it was like you guys, as players, YouTube and all the other players that have been around for a couple of years, we’re kind of like, okay, this is what the team needs of me.

I think looking back at it a lot, there was one point where we were at your gym, and we were doing different movements. And we were just lined up, and one after another, like the legless rope climbs, you’re just doing legless rope climbs, and you’ve lined up the guys and the girls. And it’s kind of like, Alright, let’s see who can do it. Good. So we can use you in this match. It was like that for the first couple of years; I was like, Do you think you can do these pretty fast? Send me a video of this. So I can compare it to somebody else to see if you’re if you should be used for that. So when we started, it was a lot of just understanding each other’s skill level and different skills we have on the grid to use them for our team better. So it was pretty cool.

Yeah, what? That’s, that’s really, that’s cool there too, right? Because I don’t know if other teams have this. I’m not not saying they don’t have this. I’m just saying I don’t know if they do. But our team generally has really good control of our ego. You know, like an individual player’s ego. Because there are many times you guys will want to do something, and I’ll be like, hey, no, you know, Francisco is doing it’s harder, or vice versa. And we don’t have anyone be like, Hey, what the hell, I’m the best at this, you know, I should be able to do this. And I’ve seen other teams not have great situations like that on the grid. And you know, we just don’t have that. I love it.

We’ve learned that you guys were saying anything you say; it’s like the ultimate team sport. Have we seen some players not be able to adapt to life? To be able to adapt to life is what you don’t and don’t need me.

I’m competitive. And I want to be in every single race. I do like Jack and Jill. I want to do that. I can do 30 Chester bars, you know, or whatever. But I’m not the fastest to do that, you know, some people are rotting in that and learning how to do that, like, I’ve been racist when I’m only doing one race. You know, but I won that race, which probably was the one that got us ahead. You know, so yeah, if utility plays are super important, it does not that agree or not, but you win the most with specialists. You know, so, if you have somebody that can do a movement way better than anybody else, you usually win that race. Yeah, I think you learn that when you have a specialty and are good at it, it becomes less about you and the team. All right. So if you’re, if your skill is used effectively in a race, even if it’s used one time, knowing that that’s the best use of your skill for the entire team’s success in that race, that’s better than being in every single race for the entire match, you know, so and it’s so hard. I mean, it’s so hard just to be there the whole time through the lab and races, and just, you know, it’s not that hard because you share it with your teammates, but it’s still like you want to be in? Yeah. So also, you need to understand that, you know, this is the best for the team. And, yeah, and I know that it has, it has happened to Q because our specialists use our gymnastics badass. And to me, I just go in for trial, and I need to try, you know, and all that stuff. So I know we all have done it. So and usually, when you just do one razor fresh, you can help your teammates the most. Yep. Yeah.

Yeah, that’s, that’s, um, that’s something super fun. I think it’s like, every time I talk to you guys after the season, you know, when we talked about like, what was the best situation, we kind of do our like, after season interviews, we say like, okay, like, what was your best experience? What was your worst experience? What were the things you’ll remember the most are the things you’re most happy with, like without fail. It’s always like when I did this one thing, not the match where I got hit with a hammer for two and a half hours. That’s what I feel like; if you were teaching like a coach on an entry-level grid, you’d say, Okay, you need a couple of utility players to come in and just get their asses handed to him for two hours, right? And then you need those, or you’re not in the match, but then you need specialists, or you can’t win.

Yeah. All right. Yeah. I think that utilities just keep you there. Right. They’re just they can do everything. Like the knockout punch, Coronavirus, like,

An example is Kevin, Kevin’s, or whatever utility players, you know, just like I can’t figure out who else can do this. Kevin Europe. You keep us moving. And he’s just like, Okay, let’s go here. He’s not going to say anything about it. But then, you know, we need a backward roll. The supports are backward enterprises. There are probably four of us on the team who can learn those at this point, but it’s like he’s going to go in there and win that for us. Right. You know, there’s nobody on our team that can do it. Legless rope climbs, but we put Quinton, and he’s going to, he’s going to smoke that he’s going to beat the other team by double time. So I don’t think we could do a podcast with Derek on it without talking about this.

So long ago. If you can put the video on YouTube, but the video link in. There was a moment of weakness.

So it’s fair to say we were not very good in our first season, our first season. We were in the redemption match, right? The nicest way to stop is after you lose, by the way, redemption.

The nicest way to say the loser’s bracket, right. That’s what we were. Right. And we turned around. We were in the conference finals every year after that, but I’m a first-year; we were in the adaptation match. And we were also not doing too well on the patch. So you know, on the sideline, I lost track of what was going on and what movement we needed. So we’re doing a change out. And Derek was supposed to come out and come in at the barbell. We had some players. They’re not in the team anymore, but they’re supposed to finish up some toast bars. Derrick runs out, and somebody couldn’t do any of those bars. So they ran off. And Derek is on his way; he’s making a full angry muscle man sprint to that last barbell, and I’m like, nope, those bars. To his credit. Yeah, he didn’t say anything to me. He just said he was okay. He walked over to those bars. And he started doing them. What happened next?

I can’t defend myself because I never practiced any of these. These waterfalls tow the bars or even the waterfall concept. So I jumped up on the bar, thinking, Gosh, I don’t know who was doing it. What, but we were good. Oh, and I was supposed to, like, set the pace. And then I jumped on and started doing. I mean, I just could not match with the other person. And I would try again, not what did not happen. And I tried not to do another Kip. And I wouldn’t touch the bar. And it just, it was stupid. And then at that point, I looked over, and I was like, Nick, I’m like, I need to get off, and you won’t get off, go. So I ran off, tagging someone else. And that was a horrible experience. And it slipped with me ever since. Whenever there’s an opportunity to find the video, people post that. And I mean, it’s hard to explain without you seeing how bad it was. But on top of the fact that we were on the redemption match, and that happened so, he was doing toast to air because it wasn’t like I was committing to the toast. At least commit to it and touch the bar. But I was like, nope. Sink my toes, the bar. But yeah, I don’t even know what was going on. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t even supposed to be out there. When that happened, I just wanted to be on the gymnastic workout so bad that I looked over, and Nick was looking at me. And I was like me. Okay, and I ran out there. And then that was the worst thing I could have ever done.

Yeah, I mean, do your credit, right. Like you could have done those bars that you were trying to do at the waterfall, which is a technique that we do with two people, and we never say hey, let’s get our biggest dude on the team to the waterfall is one of the smaller people in a gymnastics movement. And he tried hard. And that’s where the term close to bars came from. What was our blog post? Yeah, we’ve used that in SharkBite. Since then, most of the videos came from every time we talked about those bars, but the videos are shared every time. Like we start a new season. Posted again. I got tradition,

Alright, so we’ve had some change-over in the team. Right. We got some new players coming on. We got a new season coming up. And I think, no, I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic by saying this. I think we probably have the most talented team we’ve ever had going into this year. What do you guys think is going to happen this year? By the time this comes out, all of our signatures that people know about, I’ve been sad so that you can talk about it openly.

Coming from a whole year of being quarantined and trying to be in the gym as much as possible to keep our skills and weightlifting up is a big challenge. So it’ll be interesting to see where everyone’s at, be interesting to see how everyone kind of works cohesively as a team, going from just having a tournament to now having a full-length season, what that’s going to look like. So it’ll be interesting. It’ll be interesting, especially with a lot of our new signings that we have to

Yeah, yes, I agree. We have our most talented team, and I don’t know what I will do. From a string specialist, I’m like, top four, maybe.

This means that I’ll never touch a barbell again. I’m so.

So, yes. And we have some cool signings that will probably help us a lot, especially on the girl’s side. Yeah, definitely.

No, not even worthy of being on the same team as some of these girls. Phenomenal.

Yeah. So on the girls, we yeah, I’m excited. I think it’ll be fun. I’m excited to go back even though the tournament was awesome. I mean, I love that tournament. Like, I had such a great time. It was a good job. They did such a good job. I can’t even imagine how long it took or what it took to put that together. But now going back to a full season and, you know, back to what we’re used to. It’s kind of cool. I’m excited about that.

Yeah, I agree. He could talk about a man who didn’t know how to bring him back on the team this year. To have that mature, great athlete presence, you know? Yeah, I think a couple of our signings this year will fill similar roles. And I’m excited to have that. People, who are very calm under pressure, you know?

Yeah, that’s, and that’s the main thing, you know, the chaotic grid is chaotic, like, you have to be able to watch your coach, but you also calm down like you’re going fast. We have to be like, it’s funny because you say smooth, you want to go smooth, but sometimes smooth is not fast. So you have to go fast and smoothly. So it’s kind of like pain. Attention looking at your couch, what you know, even if you’re like, like Derek and me, switch barbells a lot, you know, back or all that stuff. So if he’s doing overhead squats, I need to like, look at, hey, you know, you’re telling him when he’s going to get off. But I also need to notice, like, Hey, he’s slowing down. You know, I need to be ready now. Nick will tell him to do two more than two wanting to win. Oh, so you need to look like pretty much everything that’s happened on the floor on the grid, you know, looking at everything.

Yeah, it’s more than cycling or doing your reps. It’s more than just cycling or doing your reps. It’s more than just cycling or doing your reps. It’s more than just cycling or doing your reps.

reading each other. I think that’s one of the reasons that we overperform every year, is that right? There is the kind of connection the team has, you know, in that one of you can look at me and say, Hey, give me that. You know, I remember Francisco you. What was it? You did muscle-ups for me last year, didn’t you?

The year before? I did; I’m trying it. Yeah,

you’re like, that’s literally what I’m on the team for. And you just came and tapped me out of the way. Picked it back up. And it worked out well. We ended up winning that race and

and I would look at that race a couple of times. Because actually, that was my talking back. That was my one race of the match. So I was fresh. So I pretty much touch every single movement there. And you are already on the gate and match your set of muscles; you were just cleaning up somebody’s, so I was like, you know? Yeah, yeah, you’re

walking around like a superhero. Just like let’s go.

after that. After that, We had heavy deadlifts, and you could get there too heavy, deadly because that’s a harder movement for you. So I started I could finish pretty much at the same time. So in any Yeah, it worked out. But yeah,

Yeah, that was awesome. Okay, is there anything else you want to talk about? Anything else you want to bring up?

I’m excited about this season. Just make sure that you come to watch us, you know. It’s fun, and you’re not going to regret it. This COVID stuff, I don’t know what’s going to happen. So but hopefully, we can have fans in there, all that stuff, and come watch, you know, it’s fun. Or if you cannot make it to Tampa. We always put it live on the aura, and I think the league will put it live now but not.

live stream this year has been awesome over the years, just having that option for people because many people from different towns, cities, or states want to watch it. I think FTL has done a good job of providing the content for people on YouTube content for anybody who wants to watch the highlights. Yeah, agreed. Right? Because

Even before the league had live streaming, our team always had somebody on the sidelines live streaming every match, right?

Yeah, but the live streaming, at least on the tournament, was awesome. It was

Yeah. Guys, thanks very much for doing this. We’re, you know, for anyone listening. We’ll do this again a couple more times, but we’ll get some other players on here too. However, Derek and Francisco are always welcome to come on. Again. If you guys want to find any bugs, you can find us on Southwest Florida sharks that’s SWFLsharks on either Instagram or Facebook. If you want to find out more about the Florida grid league, the direct link will be in the notes if I send the wrong guys if people want to find out more about you or maybe sponsor you for the season. How could they? How can they find you? 

That’s pretty much where you’ll find me most of the time. I’m pretty active on Instagram. So you can DM me or something like that, and I can provide the link to my page for the quarter. Gridley.

Yeah, and then my Instagram is FICO_Gomez, That’s my Instagram, but you can also go through the charts page, keep an eye on all the players there and sponsor right from the website.

Yep. Awesome, guys. Thank you so much. Absolutely. Everybody. Thank you. All right. Thanks for hanging out with us today on the Shark Bite show. If you’d like to get a hold of us, you find us on Facebook or Instagram at Shark Bite fitness Nutrition or on our website at If you’d like to learn more about our guests, their information will be in the show notes. Suppose you’d like to talk to us about getting more fit. Schedule a free no-sweat intro at one of our Cape Coral, Fort Myers, or Naples, Florida locations.

Be sure to check out this episode of the #TheSharkBiteShow. 
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