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Top Holiday Gifts for your Fitness Friends

If you’ve got a friend or family member who likes to workout, finding a good gift can be a challenge. You don’t want to waste money on something they won’t be able to use. Don’t worry: we’ve got you covered!

  1. Jump Rope: All gyms have jump ropes. But sharing a jump rope is kind of like sharing a pair or shoes. It’ll definitely work, but you’d be a lot better off with your own personalized jump rope! Everyone wants to improve these skills, so everyone should have their own jump rope!
    1. Grab our recommended brand here: 

  2. Weightlifting Shoes: This is a pricier gift for sure, but if someone squats, cleans, or snatches on a regular basis, weightlifting shoes can make a BIG difference! These help you squat lower and more comfortably, and they can be the difference between making and missing a lift! Here’s our top two brands:
    1. Nike Romaleos: 
    2. Reebok Lifters: 

  3. Skill Session with a Trainer: For anyone wanting to improve their pull ups, handstands, bench press, or just get in better shape overall, the absolute BEST way to do this is to work with a trainer 1 on 1!
    1. Click this link to secure a skill session for someone special: 

  4. Muscle Massager: These are absolute game changers for your recovery. Get rid of the sore muscles ASAP. There are some big name brands in the muscle massager realm, but a little known secret is that they ALL do the same thing! This is one of the rare times when the less expensive option is just as great as the more expensive option. We found the best bang for your buck here:
    1. Our pick: 

  5. Water Bottle: Even in the winter months, it is HOT. Guarantee your fitness friend is able to stay hydrated and safe, by getting them a water bottle they can refill and stays cold even inside the gym!
    1. Normal bottle: 
    2. Insulated bottle: 

With these gifts, you’re SURE to please the fitness enthusiast in your life. Grab one (or a couple) and support your friends making the healthy decisions in life!

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